Roof & Wall Sheet and Accessories.
We can supply Colorbond and zincalume roof and wall sheets in various profiles including corrogated, Trimclad, Metroclad, Mini orb corro, quad gutter and fascia gutter and accessories, barge and corner flashings, ridge capping, metal fascia and brackets and also custom rolled flashings at the most competitive prices.
You can view the range of Colorbond colours available here: Metroll Colorbond Colour Selector.
Galvanised Purlins & Top Hat.
We have a range of C100, C150 and C200 purlins in stock as well as battens and top hat. Purlin general brackets are available in C100, C150, C200 and C250 sizes.
We can also order custom size tophat and purlins as required.

Concrete & Cement
In store we stock concrete, quick set concrete and cement in 20 kilogram bags at great prices.
If we don't stock it, we'll help you find it.
If we don't have the item in stock that you need, we will go out of our way to point you in the right direction.